The Live Cinema Network is a group of representatives from industry, advocacy groups, exhibitor networks, academics and creatives working within, seeking to access or researching this emergent field.
The aims of the network are:
- to provide visibility for the existing activity in this area
- to facilitate the sharing of expertise and the development of new collaborations
- to identify appropriate training and development opportunities for the sector
- to ensure the sharing and implementation of research findings
The network will be the mechanism through which we establish symposia, a regular conference and other events to support the development of this innovative area of creative and cultural practice.
Live Cinema here spans experiential cinema that escapes beyond the boundaries of the auditorium whereby film-screenings are augmented by synchronous live performance, site specific locations, technological intervention, social media engagement, and all manner of simultaneous interactive moments including singing, dancing, eating, drinking and smelling. The network also encompasses the established event cinema (also referred to as alternative content) domain which specifically refers to the streaming of live events such as theatre, opera, concerts and sports to cinema auditoria.
Read more about our story.